Energy Saving Ideas

Posted on February 14, 2013. Filed under: Sara Halfmann, NMLS #411698 |

Winter in Wisconsin is a great time of year.  There is so much for the outdoor enthusiast to do.  Skiing, snow-shoeing, snowmobiling, and ice fishing – you name it, we’ve got it!  But, eventually even the most avid Wisconsin winter wonderland aficionado must come in to warm-up.  And, keeping the indoors warm and inviting can be costly.  

The following list provides simple suggestions on how to cut-down on energy consumption to help keep winter season energy bills low.  

  1. Maintain your furnace.  Clean your furnace filter monthly.  A clean unit runs more efficiently.
  2. Use insulation.  Insulate your attic, walls, and sill box to the recommended R-value for the type of heating used in your home.  Proper insulation allows you to use less energy to keep your home warm.
  3. Insulate around windows and doors.  Weather-strip and/or caulk all areas with noticeable leaks.  Removable caulking is convenient for windows that you wish to open in the summer months.
  4. Change your thermostat settings.  In the winter, set your thermostat at 60 degrees F when you are sleeping or not at home.  Set the thermostat to 68 degrees F when you are home and awake.  This can save 10 percent or more on your heating bills every winter.
  5. Let the sun in.  The sun’s energy can have a noticeable effect on the temperature in your home.  Keep window shades open during winter months to let the sun’s radiant heat in.
  6. Use the fireplace sparingly.  Many older natural fireplaces are inefficient and draw more heat out of the house than they produce.  Close the flue to eliminate drafts when not in use.
  7. Use a humidifier.  Humidity makes you feel warmer in colder months.  With the proper humidity level, you’ll be able to turn your thermostat down to a lower temperature, save energy, and stay comfortable.  
  8. Purchase an energy efficient furnace.  Select a furnace model with a AFUE rating of 90 percent or greater.
  9. Purchase energy-star windows.  If your windows are single-paned, make sure you use storm windows during the winter months.
  10. Unplug electronics, computers, and small appliances when not in use.  Energy is used by appliances and other devices, even when they are turned off!

 These tips will not only save you money on your energy bill, but will also help to warm you on the inside knowing you are helping the environment as well as your wallet.  For a complete list of year-round energy saving tips visit

 In addition to energy savings, don’t forget to review your mortgage for money saving opportunities.  At Denmark State Bank our helpful Mortgage Bankers would be happy to take a look at your existing mortgage to make sure you are in the best loan to fit your needs.  And, if your energy saving plan includes upgrading windows and major appliances, Denmark State Bank can help with our flexible home equity lending options.  Call a Denmark State Bank Mortgage Banker today!

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